Lightning Arrester
Naraco Co., Ltd. has become the exclusive distributor in Vietnam for lightning arrester of Protektel - Poland
Protektel is a production company in the field of medium and high voltage surge arresters. They are located in Przasnysz - Poland, where electrical equipment has been produced for many years.
Protektel has manufactured and supplied a lot of electrical equipments such as: Isolators, Arresters, Transformers... and some other devices. They also provides consulting, after-sales service or propose solutions for the existing power grid system.

Among the products and services that Protektel offers, lightning protection is one of the key products, typical and can be used in accordance with the power grid in Vietnam.
Protektel Lightning Arresters have some following outstanding features:
- Technical specifications meet the standards for lightning arrester of Vietnam Electricity Corporation.
- There are all kinds of documents: cerfiticates of distributor, CO, CQ, global type test, routine test, drawings, catalogues,...
- Especially can be used in salt mist conditions and have resistance of the housing material to UV radiation.
This is the prominent feature of Protektel lighining arrester compared to other types on the market. It can be used well in Vietnamese climatic environment.

At present, Naraco Co., Ltd. is the exclusive distributor of lightning arrester Protektel in Vietnam, under the brand name PROXAR - IN AC. We currently have 9, 15, 21, 24, 44, 48 kV lightning arrester.
You can contact us for more information.
Contact details:
Naraco Company Limited
Phone: (+84) 904 866 966
Thank you for your attention!